Enter The Void is inspired by the 2009 film directed by Gaspar Noe. The film follows the psychedelic journey of Oscar, a young French drug dealer in Tokyo whose spirit leaves his body after he is shot during a police raid at a bar called the Void. His spirit hovers over the city, an unquiet ghost unable or unwilling to leave, watching over his sister Linda, a pole-dancer now utterly alone in the world. Enter the Void is all about life after death.
Watch the perfume:
hypersensitive to touch, flickering silhouettes, neon lights, lingerie falling from steel poles, checking into a fantasy, checking out of reality, Tokyo love hotels, post-death enlightenment, the past, the future, inside her present, my gift
or in other words:
skunk note, herbal green, cassis, immortelle, grapefruit, lime limelight, hot skin notes, white aldehydes, costus, salicylates, amber, musk, sandal wood
Mark Buxton